Jan Saudek, Czech photographer (Praque 1935- )

We are selling a large collection works of Art of Jan Saudek a Czech photographer (Praque 1935- )


Hereby an explanation of the written text on the Art: 


* "Model print" means that the print (photo) is in ideal combination of sharpness, color, etc.

     Simply the best one from the negative (but there could be more „best prints“).


 * The "#" with a number is the number of the photo from the „List of works“ of the author.

    It is important for collectors of Art numbers are from 1 to 1000 or 1100,

    Not every single number is used.


* Jan Saudek dated his work 100 Years earlier ( for example, 1885, means the year 1985)



Jan Saudek, Czech photographer


1935: born in Prague 13.5.1935

1950: he gets his first camera KODAK BABY Brownie - first photographic Attempts

1952: apprenticed to a photographer, he worked as a printing shop worker until 1983

1959: he uses "real" camera Flexaret 6x6, he is also drawing and painting

1963: for ever influenced by the catalogue of the magnificent fotographic exhibition "Family of Man" (Edward Steichen)

1972: he finds his typical WALL composition, which became a sort of projection screen for his figural scenes.

1981: appears his first monography "Il teatro de la VITA" in Milano

1983: free-lance photographer - he devotes himself fully to his own work

1990: bearer of the French title "Le Chevalier des Arts and Letters" (Knight of Art and Literature), as the first Czech at all French film director Jerome de Missolz makes a film about him "Jan Saudek - czech photographer"

2005: appears his 14., biggest monography "SAUDEK" (published by Slovart, Praha), accompanied by wide retrospective Exhibition in Praha


Jan Saudek is nowadays the most renowned Czech phoptographer in the world. He has had over 400 one-man shows held at. 

His photographs are included in the most important world collections.